We shot our catalogue for summer! It was about 25 degrees out!! Imagine that when you go through the pictures... Erin and Brenda modeled for us it was amazing. Ashley Haber (one of our best friends and AMAZING photographer asleywas@gmail.com) shot the high fashion version so I had to make do with Jimmy's camera shooting the "Urban Gypsy" Whitehorse tees. We woke up at 5:30 am to drive out in Ashley's RV. Ashley shot for Cassandras portfolio, she is the best stylist I've ever met. (flamingocass@gmail.com) I cant believe how many talented friends we have. It's like a little production company on wheels.
I'm in <3.
Miss you.
See you in LV....
till then.
Love and light~
powerline 6
hermosa Beach
ashleywas@gmail.com ,,,,,,, ( not asleywas ) haa
ashleywas@gmail.com .... no aslywas :)
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