Yesterday Emily and I and our stylist, Cassandra, went to one of our favorite stores, Joyrich on Melrose, to meet some editors of Elle Girl Japan. They were in town shooting street style for the magazine and their website so they wanted to meet us and take some pictures. It was a blast! We also got to talk to the owner at Joyrich about putting Whitehorse in the window, he's awesome they have such great product in their store I wanted to buy everything. We drove in Cassandras rental car- a sebring convertible- which is extremely tourist, and we drove around in the Los Angeles heat with the dogs Stella and Havana. Cassandra is wearing a shirt from our new fall line!
We love Coachella because it means dressing up in anything you like and watching really great live music with all your friends. We sang, we danced, we ran through fields. We kicked up dust and traveled in the RV to the most stylish parties in Palm Springs. It was so exciting to see all the great fashion choices people made... I personally love the Coachella blog on It was hard to leave, we wanted to Hula hoop forever. We saw lots of girls in Whitehorse (mostly the open back Indian tank which I'm wearing in these pictures!) We ran into one of our favorite photographer Whitehorse fans, Bronques, and he did a shoot of everyone in their Whitehorse pins next to a donkey... Coachella is amazing, you can take so many style risks and everyone loves you for it.